Tag Archives: atheism

Hi, you’re going to hell.

Having purpose is an important need for many–myself included. In religion there seems to be a common goal that culminates when your life ends. Whether this be heaven or some form of nothingness, the idea of working towards something firmly exists. To achieve the greater goal there are others that must be met. Virtues that must be lived by, pitfalls to avoid and rituals to upkeep. In Christianity it is also good to bring with you as many as you can on your journey and part of your purpose is to help others to see the truth of your faith and helping them to avoid the fate of hell.

Hell. The idea of people being sent to a place of eternal damnation filled with fire and demons and torment for exercising their God given free will has always bothered me. Continue reading

In which I contemplate abandoning Christianity

If my religion was ever a help to me in the past, it certainly isn’t now. As a Christian I am supposed to be desiring and working towards a closer relationship with God–which seems an ambiguous endeavour at best to develop a relationship with an invisible, intangible entity. I am supposed to aim to reconcile the sometimes contrasting messages of the religion with my inability to understand and refusal to conform to some of it’s mainline ideals and beliefs. Continue reading

God is calling….

“God has sent me with a message for you.”
“God speaks to me and through me.”

For many the notion that God ‘implants’ thoughts and messages into a person’s mind sounds a bit loony–for lack of a better word–but to may it is a fairly normal experience. Many of these kinds of spiritual declarations are made everyday. Many of us are confident that we have heard the voice of God, a clear and direct answer to an inquiry–direction when we are in dire need of it. My question is,

Is it really the voice of God? Continue reading

In which I begin to contemplate the need for Religion…

One would think that a quest for information, for truth with proof would be applauded. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. I believe that the more informed you are, the better. If people never questioned, never sought answers with passion, then where would our civilisation be today? Continue reading

The Atheist’s Field Day…No wait, I mean Nightmare…

It oftentimes appears to me that some Christians don’t need anyone to attack the plausibility of the religion as they seem to do a decent job of it themselves. I admit that I am guilty of this but in my defense I am seeking answers, questioning the rationality and reason behind the religious institution. However, some others attempt to reason for their faith and it sometimes yields very strange results. Continue reading

In which I contemplate the Freedom of Atheism

I have heard numerous testimonies of the newly converted to the Christian faith. In these testimonies there has been a general thread. Freedom. Continue reading